
Guardians Of The Galaxy Telltale Rocket

Characters from Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series. For tropes relating to comics versions of the Guardians, see here. For tropes related to the Curiosity Cinematic Universe versions of the Guardians, see hither.

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The Guardians of the Galaxy

    Peter Quill/Star-Lord

Peter Quill/Star-Lord

A human being who was taken from Earth past Yondu presently subsequently the decease of his female parent. Now he is a small-time criminal turned superhero.

  • Adaptational Nice Guy: Yous tin choose to make Peter overnice and reasonable when it comes to some scenes.
  • Back from the Dead: Quill is killed by Hala in episode one, only brought dorsum to life by the Eternity Forge shortly after.
  • Badass Longcoat: He wears his red long glaze and is fully loaded for action.
  • Absurd Helmet/Cool Mask: As always. It helps with surviving out in infinite.
  • Deadpan Snarker: A large amount of his dialogue are sarcastic remarks, and he'll make quips fifty-fifty when non prompted to past the player.
  • Embarrassing Nickname: If Peter revives his mom in the Empowering the Forge ending, she'll reveal that "Star-Lord" is actually the name of the character she used in her bedtime stories to Peter "Fiddling Petey the Star-Lord". Drax finds it hilarious.
  • The Face: As the most level-headed of the group, Star-Lord handles pretty much all the "equally-a-group" relations, beingness the ane who does all the talking while dealing with the Collector/Nova Corps. Equally a result, he's the one everyone Squees over once the Guardians get Famed In-Story.
  • Guns Akimbo: He fights with 2 laser pistols.
  • The Heart: Gamora believes that without him, the group would autumn apart, and the group looks to him to make important decisions. In the first episode, Peter tin too lift his group's spirits during the celebration on Knowhere.
  • Jerk with a Centre of Gold: As is tradition, Peter can be a scrap childish only he's still a expert guy deep downwards.
  • The Paragon: Tin can act as this among the young man Guardians since he influences them to grow as people.
  • Dial-Clock Hero: He doesn't mind existence a hero as long as he benefits in the long run.
  • Red Is Heroic: He wears a red Badass Longcoat and is the master hero...well, Anti-Hero.
  • Ship Tease: He has a fair share of heartfelt moments with Gamora.
  • Token Human being: Definitely amongst the Guardians, probably of the local expanse.



Voiced by: Emily O'Brien

When Gamora was a kid, Thanos conquered her people and "adopted" her as his daughter. Gamora murdered countless people in his name, and her quest to absolve led her to join the Guardians.

  • Activity Girl: Equally ever.
  • The Atoner: She joined the Guardians to atone for her past as Thanos' assassin.
  • Berserk Button: Don't ever try to sneak a superlative at her secret box or else she'll threaten yous with a blade.
  • Large Sister Mentor: She used to railroad train Nebula in combat.
  • Cain and Abel: The Abel to Nebula'south Cain. This tin be stock-still if you convince Nebula to undergo a Heel–Confront Plow.
  • Green-Skinned Space Baby: Well, manifestly.
  • Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: Nebula stabbed Gamora through the abdomen in the past and left her for dead, though she survived.
  • Only Sane Woman: Whenever Peter's not guiding the squad, she seems to be the only one who tries to rationally think things through.
  • Ship Tease: She has a few loving moments with Peter.

    Drax the Destroyer

Drax the Destroyer

Voiced by: Brandon Paul Ellis

Drax'due south married woman and daughter were killed past Thanos. He'south been on a quest to avenge them e'er since.

  • Then What?: Touched on shortly subsequently the completion of the game's first mission. Now that he's gotten his revenge on Thanos, his chief motivation is gone.
  • Blood Knight: Is eager to get into fights and revels in killing. He asks Peter to take him to Hala's spaceship instead of Gamora solely so he tin kill Kree soldiers, and if not chosen, and Peter calls him to tell him that they haven't ran into any enemies Drax will say that he's not equally envious of them anymore.
  • Comfort Food: After Thanos' death, Drax feels similar he's lost his purpose in life and tries to fill the new void by constantly eating.
  • Expiry Seeker: With his mission to avenge his family complete early in the first episode, Drax sees no more purpose to his life and seeks to find a manner to die an honorable death. He can get his wish in Episode 4, although he turns out to survive..
  • Disney Death: If he sacrifices himself in Episode 4, the finale reveals that he managed to survive and defeat the giant worm.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: In Episode 4, if Peter lets him, Drax will sacrifice himself to stop the giant worm from eating the Milano. Episode v reveals that he not just survived, merely he won.
  • Hot-Blooded: Bated from his love of gainsay, he's a literal example: he says his temperature is always 125.9 degrees
  • I Call It "Vera": Drax's twin daggers are named after his wife and daughter.
  • "Information technology" Is Dehumanizing: Drax never calls Nebula by her proper noun, addressing her instead as "the Cyborg".
  • Literal-Minded: Drax interprets every metaphor literally. The above quote is even an example, every bit it's his response to beingness told to "stay absurd".
  • You Killed My Male parent: Wants revenge against Thanos for killing Drax's wife and daughter.

    Rocket Raccoon


An conflicting that resembles a talking raccoon. Rocket is greedy, selfish, and rude, but he is a bright mechanic and tactician.

  • A Twenty-four hour period in the Limelight: A expert chunk of episode 2 is focused on him.
  • Anti-Hero: Rocket is an asshole who doesn't like being a hero if he doesn't become paid.
  • Being Good Sucks: He argues that being skillful doesn't have as much turn a profit in the end over doing more than shady jobs.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: His earliest memories were of being an experiment on Halfworld.
  • Greed: Bated from an acute dislike of the Nova Corps, Rocket'south principal motivation for selling Thanos' body to the Collector is that it'll pay them a lot more.
  • Jerk with a Centre of Gold: While Rocket is an asshole, he does care about his friends.
  • Manchild: Or adult raccoon-kid, at least. He's the most sick-tempered of the group and has the most basic motivations (except for maybe perhaps Groot), and even whines similar a footling kid while the Nova Corps is scanning Thanos' body:

    Rocket: This is taking foreveeeeeeeeer!

  • Punch-Clock Hero: He'll only exercise good deeds if he's paid to exercise them.
  • Sociopathic Hero: He has shades of this thanks to his readiness to kill people, especially in his goal to resurrect Lylla.
  • Token Evil Teammate: Well, Token Amoral Teammate, at least. While the rest of the squad on at to the lowest degree some level accept morals or genuine desire to be heroes, Rocket is almost entirely out for self-profit and doesn't care one flake about doing the right affair without benefits.
  • Tragic Emblem: His wrist estimator is the simply matter he has left to recollect his dead dearest interest Lylla. When it breaks late in Episode 2, he breaks down crying.



Voiced by: Adam Harrington

A sentient tree-similar conflicting and Rocket's all-time friend. Groot is known both for his loyalty to his friends and his inability to say anything beyond "I am Groot."

  • Berserk Push button: Harming Rocket. Afterward Thanos lands a hit on Rocket, Groot becomes furious, grabbing a pair of large rocks to smash into the Mad Titan.
  • Bizarre Alien Biology: He's a walking, talking tree with limited vocabulary that tin can apparently become hung over. Exposure to spores toxic to other lifeforms just causes flowers to grow on 1 of his artillery and go him loftier.
  • Friend to All Living Things: Groot is incredibly compassionate. If Peter has Mantis scan him, she detects that Groot loves all life.
  • Out of Focus: Out of all the Guardians, Groot gets the to the lowest degree amount of screentime. Considering he needs other people to translate for him and everyone who can do so is decorated with their ain drama, it's not all that surprising he got left on the back burner.
  • Plant Person: He's a big, talking tree person.
  • Pokémon Speak: He can only say "I am Groot." If he gets high, he can shift the order of the words around, which he finds hilarious.
  • Wasn't That Fun?: Later a crash landing, everyone slowly comes to in pain. Groot shouts something in a cheerful tone, but for Rocket to forcefully state that the crash was non fun.



A strange and empathic being the Guardians encounter in a tomb.

  • Beware the Nice Ones: After greeting the Guardians in a chipper demeanor she borrows Peter's laser gun to blast her stasis pod off a ledge since she saw information technology as a tomb that tormented her mind for eons.
  • Berserk Button: One of the starting time things she does after the Guardians free her was to ask Peter for one of his guns. If he hands it to her, she'll calmly use information technology shoot the tomb she was held in off a cliff. Bringing the tomb upwards in full general subsequently conspicuously pisses her off.

    Peter: Was at that place moisturiser built into that tomb-thingy?-
    Mantis: There was not.
    Peter: Oh actually? I guess it was because uh-
    Mantis: Please. Stop talking.

  • The Bore: If Peter asks her to tell the team her whole life story, the other Guardians immediately begin to doze off as Mantis goes into an overly long constitutional nearly her origin.
  • Emotion Bomb: Mantis can transfer her own emotions into others or enhance existing emotions. She accidently shares her sadness with Peter, and later weaponizes it past reducing an attacking Kree soldier to tears so he wouldn't fight back.
  • The Empath: She tin feel other people's emotions when she touches them. If she's nigh someone feeling extreme emotions, she can feel that emotion regardless of whether she is touching anyone and transmits that emotion to anybody effectually her.
  • Genki Girl: She'south hands excited by everything upon being released from her stasis pod.
  • Sealed Good in a Can: She was placed in stasis and subconscious away for millennia and then she could ensure that the Eternity Forge would non be misused.
  • The Sixth Ranger: The Guardians don't meet her until Episode 3 of five.
  • Tranquil Fury: The subject of the Tomb she was held causes her to switch from Nice Girl to ice cold fury.

The Guardians' Associates

    Meredith Quill

Meredith Quill

Peter'southward late female parent. Although she died when Peter was a kid, the Eternity Forge tempts Peter with the hazard to see her again.

  • Actual Pacifist: Meredith believes that violence is wrong, and you should solve problems with words instead of fists. During a flashback where yous play Peter Quill every bit a kid, Meredith disapproves of Peter having punched another boy in retaliation for the other male child having broken Meredith'south cassette player. If you lot say that Meredith is correct and hope to apologize to the other boy, she'll praise Peter for being a good kid. If you say that the other boy deserved the dial, Meredith volition accuse Peter of but thinking about himself. When she finds that other kid breaking the news to Peter that she is terminally ill, Meredith slaps him and immediately regrets it.
  • Back from the Dead: She is one of three people who Star-Lord tin choose to revive should you get the Forge Ending.
  • Incurable Cough of Death: She's seen coughing heavily in flashbacks, presumably from the disease that killed her.
  • Posthumous Grapheme: Meredith died years before the story began, simply she is seen frequently in flashbacks.

    Yondu Udonta


Voiced by: Marker Barbolak

The captain of the Ravagers. Yondu was the one who took Peter from Earth and raised him after his mother passed abroad.

  • Adaptational Nice Guy: He'southward much nicer to Peter than usual, this time having been hired past his mother to take care of him after her death every bit opposed to abducting him when he ran out of the infirmary. That said...
  • Adaptational Villainy: He's nevertheless a Space Pirate like his motion picture analogue, dissimilar the original comics Yondu, who was a superhero in his own right.
  • Astonishing Technicolor Population: Yondu's race is humanoid with deep bluish skin colour.
  • HA HA HA—No: One dialogue choice is for a young Peter to ask Yondu if he's his father. Yondu has a long express mirth before flatly saying "no".
  • I Gave My Give-and-take: In this continuity, Meredith convinced Yondu to take Peter in and await later him if something happened. He arrives to Meredith'due south funeral to brand good on that promise as he claims his word is his bond.
  • Monstrous Cannibalism: Yondu remarks off-handedly to a young Quill that his mother ate iii of his brothers, but didn't allow that bother him.



An alien resembling a talking otter. Was a close friend of Rocket's and a fellow test bailiwick on Halfworld.

  • Back from the Dead: Like Meredith, she can be revived if yous enabled the Forge catastrophe.
  • Cyborg: Like Rocket, she is a cybernetically-enhanced animal.
  • Gadgeteer Genius: She helped Rocket cobble up a device used to escape their cages.
  • The Lost Lenore: She was a shut companion of Rocket that he lost while escaping Halfworld.




Voiced by: Jake Hart

The Mad Titan. Thanos seeks to exterminate all life in the milky way.

  • Abusive Parents: He was a very bad father to his daughters.
  • Adaptational Wimp: In the comics, especially the ones written past his creator, Jim Starlin, Thanos is strong enough to quickly subdue powerful hero teams like the Avengers and the Annihilators even without the utilize of mystical Macguffins. Here he struggles fighting the Guardians and he'due south killed past Rocket's light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation cannon.
  • Disc-One Final Boss: Thanos is one of the nearly famous Marvel villains and was the Greater-Scope Villain of the movie that made the Guardians famous to modern audiences. Despite this, he's killed off early in the first episode.
  • Final Solution: Before the events of the game, Thanos had been in a quarrel with the entirety of the Kree race. He believed this to exist the simply solution to his problems...and past the starting time of the game, he had already killed them all.
  • Greater-Scope Villain: Dies fairly early in the first episode only his genocide of the Kree are what causes the actions of the Big Bad, Hala.
  • Omnicidal Maniac: Wants nothing less than to destroy every living thing.
  • Unskilled, just Potent: His fighting style is rather sloppy and anticipated, and he'south also adequately like shooting fish in a barrel to catch off guard, causing him to struggle against the likes of Drax and Gamora. Despite this, he has more than than enough ability to defeat all of the Guardians of the Milky way on his own, simply being defeated thanks to Rocket's superweapon.



Thanos'due south daughter and Gamora'south sister. Unlike Gamora, Nebula is completely loyal to Thanos.

  • Adaptational Heroism: Similar her MCU counterpart, she can become a total-fledged hero depending on the histrion's choices, as opposed to the firmly villainous Nebula of the comics.
  • Adaptational Nice Daughter: Even in the MCU, when Nebula pulled a Heel–Face Turn, she was nevertheless rather grumpy and distant to the other Guardians, even Gamora. Here, providing Peter convinces her to stay, she can be seen having a friendly arm wrestle with Gamora and Groot, and also displays visible delight fighting aslope her sister once more.
  • Artificial Limbs: She has a cybernetic arm that ends up removed and later used by the Guardians every bit leverage confronting her.
  • Cain and Abel: Has this relationship with Gamora.
  • Cybernetics Eat Your Soul: Zigzagged. She volunteered to be turned into a cyborg to make her a better assassin than Gamora. Ultimately subverted if she joins the Guardians. And if the Eternity Forge isn't destroyed and is used to resurrect her, she comes back without her cybernetics, appearing as she did in Gamora'southward flashback.
  • Daddy's Little Villain: In dissimilarity to the film continuity, Nebula loves Thanos and would do anything for him.
  • Enemy Mine: In Episode ii, when the Kree set on the Milano, Nebula offers to help the Guardians fight them off if Peter releases her. If Peter does so, she'southward true to her word.
  • Heel–Face Plough: In Episode iii, if Peter convinces Gamora that Nebula saved her life by stabbing her all those years ago, Nebula volition finally permit her grudge against Gamora go and join the Guardians.
  • Muscles Are Meaningless: Much less muscular than Drax nevertheless he can't even move her arm in arm wrestling,even with Gamora's help.
  • Redemption Equals Death: If she joins the Guardians, she gets badly injured defending Gamora from Hala and dies of her wounds shortly after she returns to the Milano.
  • Sadistic Choice: Thanos forced her into 1 in the past. Either she kills Gamora herself, or Thanos will... ...punish her. And he promises to brand information technology as painful as possible. Nebula stabs Gamora but intentionally lets her live.
  • The Unfavorite: Thanos openly preferred Gamora to her, causing her to constantly seek his adoration. Thanos exploited this by telling Nebula she was now his favourite in order to manipulate her into "killing" Gamora.
  • Undying Loyalty: She is completely loyal to Thanos. Subverted in Episode iii, where it turns out that she serves him primarily out of fear.

    Hala the Accuser

Hala the Accuser

Voiced by: Faye Kingslee

I of the last surviving Kree. Hala seeks to use the Eternity Forge to resurrect her people, no thing how many lives she needs to sacrifice to make information technology happen.

  • Big Bad: She is the main antagonist of the game.
  • Body Horror: If the Eternity Forge is destroyed, she suffers horrific burns all over her body and gains Volcanic Veins and Glowing Eyes of Doom when she tries to bring her son dorsum to life.
  • Evil Counterpart: She lost her son past the hands of Thanos just like how Drax lost his family to Thanos, but unlike Drax, Hala goes to a more extreme path.
  • Heel Realization: If Peter destroys the Eternity Forge, and then after the Guardians defeat Hala, she hallucinates that Peter is Bal'Dinn and apologizes for all the crimes she committed in his proper name. Peter can choose to play along and pretend to be Bal'Dinn, comforting Hala in her final moments.
  • Love Makes Y'all Evil: Hala'south love for her dead son and her determination to bring him back at any cost is what turned a strict only reasonable Kree into a merciless zealot capable of committing genocide.
  • My Species Doth Protest As well Much: Hala used to refuse the Kree's zealous devotion to war. Unfortunately, when Bal'Dinn died, she dealt with her grief past condign fully devoted to Kree ethics.
  • Pet the Dog: If Peter tells her that he lost somebody of import to him (his mom) she'll requite her sincere condolences.
  • Proud Warrior Race Daughter: Comes with being a Kree.
  • Tragic Villain: The bulk of her species were killed by Thanos, and she wishes to revive them at whatsoever price.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: Hala'south goal is to relieve her people. Unfortunately, the just way to exercise this is to murder billions of innocents.
  • Your Soul Is Mine!: If the Eternity Forge is destroyed, she somehow absorbs its powers and gains the power to steal people'south souls from a distance or by touching them. According to Mantis, she has to keep doing it or else she'll die.



Hala's son. He died in an blow sometime earlier Thanos destroyed Kree and now Hala volition do anything to bring him back.

  • Dorsum from the Expressionless: If Peter empowers the Eternity Forge, Hala uses it to resurrect him.
  • Defector from Decadence: If he is successfully revived, he quickly realises what a monster his mother has become and joins forces with the Guardians to stop her.
  • Morality Pet: Hala will practise anything to bring him back to her.
  • My Species Doth Protest As well Much: He opposes the war-similar nature of the Kree. If Peter saves the Eternity Forge, Bal'Dinn can become the new leader of the Kree in the hopes of guiding his people to a better path.


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